Some preliminary results on a high order asymptotic preserving computationally explicit kinetic scheme

Published in Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 2022

Recommended citation: R. Abgrall and D. Torlo. (2022). "Some preliminary results on a high order asymptotic preserving computationally explicit kinetic scheme. " Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 20, 2, 297-326.

This is a work in collaboration with Rémi Abgrall.

In this short paper, we intend to describe one way to construct arbitrarily high order kinetic schemes on regular meshes. The method can be arbitrarily high order in space and time, run at least CFL one, is asymptotic preserving and computationally explicit, i.e., the computational costs are of the same order of a fully explicit scheme. We also introduce a nonlinear stability method that enables to simulate problems with discontinuities, and it does not kill the accuracy for smooth regular solutions.

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